LDR lite benchmark
LDR lite is an open computational benchmark, featuring a simplified technical description of the LDR-50 district heating reactor. The specification covers the reactor core and primary circuit components at a level that enables building system-scale thermal-hydraulics models, as well as neutronics models for Monte Carlo and nodal neutronics calculations. The benchmark tasks include various operating and transient scenarios, updated as the development proceeds. Benchmark participants are encouraged to be in contact with the LDR developer team.
Current version:
- LDR lite benchmark specifications, revision R2 (15 November, 2023) [download pdf] [download xlsx]
- Result templates and reference results [download zip]
- R. Komu. and R. Tuominen. "LDR lite benchmark specifications." LDR design document, LDR-PUB-VTT-10002-R2, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2023.
- Rebekka Komu, VTT (firstname.lastname@vtt.fi)